Morning Lineup at the Archway Inn Getting Ready to hit the trail
Golden Spike Trail
Golden Spike Trail The Golden Crack
Cliff Hanger Trail
Checking Trucks for the next day of wheeling.
Prichitt Canyon Trail
Behind the Rocks Trail
Behind the Rocks Trail Hummer Hill
Behind the Rocks Trail Moab Utah Hummer Hill
Behind the Rocks Trail - White Knuckle Hill Chambers 95 gas truck with John Sweney watching.
Behind the Rocks Trail - White Knuckle Hill Chuck Kopelson
Lion's Back
Golden Spike Trail Hells Gate
The Aftermath A transfercase, halfshaft and a bunch of front end parts.
Fixing the Truck Pulling My Bent Undercarriage down with a Car Carrier. The driver chained the Hummer undercarriage protection cage to the truck (see the chain). He then lifted the Hummer with the hydraulics on the car carrier which pulled the bent undercarriage down.