Hummers Do Get Stuck
Kopelson Stuck on a Farm in Stirling IL
Scott Freeman Stuck Bigtime!!!
© Copyright 1997 - 2008 Chuck Kopelson 11/04/1997
Updated December 4, 2008
Updated December 4, 2008
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I started out the day by getting good and stuck in the field. Glenn Patterson pulled me out backwards while Hummer Dave looked on.

There's a series of moguls with the dips in the mud. I didn't give it enough throttle. Notice the bubbles rising from the rear left exhaust.

All hooked up with Bill & Joan Dunbar and Glenn looking on.
It took 2 Hummers chained together to pull me out.

A U.S. Army M-113 Armor Personnel Carrier prepares to pull an armored Humvee out of the mud in Bosnia and Herzegovina on May 10, 1996, during Operation Joint Endeavor. The spring-time mud has presented a challenge to the soldiers and their equipment deployed to Bosnia and Herzegovina as part of the NATO Implementation Force (IFOR). DoD photo by Staff Sgt. Jon Long, U.S. Army.